Virtual Care


What is Virtual Care and how does it work?
As our clinic has reopened, we continue to offer virtual care appointments, by using computers, laptops or smartphones, we are able to continue to deliver physiotherapy services to our clients. If you are interested in a virtual appointment, a physiotherapist will contact you via email to schedule an appointment that is convenient to both of you. You will receive instructions on how to join your session from your device (smart phone, laptop or computer). A consent form to use electronic communications to provide Telehealth Services will be provided at that time.

What happens during a Virtual Appointment?

  • Your physiotherapist will discuss your symptoms and issues related to your injury
  • Recommendations will be reviewed to minimize pain or discomfort
  • Via video, they will observe your movements and recommend ideas to improve your strength and range of motion
  • An exercise program may be implemented and your physiotherapist will demonstrate stretches and exercises related to your injury
  • If the physiotherapist feels your injury may be related to your home workstation, ergonomic assessment will be completed

Is this covered by Insurance?

Our clinic will continue to process payments and issue receipts for physiotherapy services. Please check with your benefits provider to ensure you are covered. New announcements regarding virtual care coverage should be updated over the upcoming weeks as many organizations are commencing with these services.

The physiotherapists at Durham Orthopedic Clinic are fortunate to be able to offer our clients virtual care as you continue with your treatment and recovery for your injuries. Our office will contact you to book a virtual appointment, that is convenient to you and the physiotherapist.