
Physiotherapy Vs Occupational Therapy

There are many different ways to rehab your body after a sports injury, an illness or an accident. What method of treatment is best to get on the road to recovery?  

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a profession in which the physiotherapist will help to restore movement  which may be altered by an injury or an ailment. Injuries do not have to be sport related, they may be due to a trauma such as a motor vehicle accident.Ailments may include such conditions as a stroke, a neurological condition such as cerebral palsy or even the effects of transplants such as lung and heart transplants. All conditions have a similar goal of helping the client improve their quality of life by improving their mobility and their ability to complete their activities of daily living.

 A Physiotherapist will: 

  • Use exercise to strengthen weakened areas in the body
  • Use manual therapy to improve range of motion 
  • Help reduce inflammation and muscle spasm
  • Use a variety of treatments to reduce pain
  • In the case of permanent injury or disease, help lessen the effects of the dysfunction
  • Educate and instruct methods to help avoid future injury, and teach exercises to help recover from present injuries.

What is Occupational Therapy? 

Occupational Therapists help their clients recover, improve and maintain the skills needed for daily living and working .These skills include skills that help them participate effectively in their jobs, leisure and social activities, getting around, caring for themselves, and their home and much more.

Occupational therapist may accomplish this by:

  • Adapting the materials you use in your everyday activities such as using  a modified key holder to make turning keys easier
  • Recommending changes to the environment where you do your everyday activities such as lowering/raising desk tops or counters.
  • Suggesting activities that may improve the abilities you have or need to improve on for example,improving your coping strategies and managing multitasking.

Education and Background

Both Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists are 

  • University educated professionals
  • Regulated medical professionals 
  • Trained to understand physical injuries

    In many cases, physiotherapists and occupational therapists work in partnership to help with the clients recovery.

If you have been injured and are looking to get on the road to recovery give the professionals at Durham Orthopedic Sports & Injury Clinic a call to book your next appointment.