Person getting physiotherapy

What To Expect When Seeing A Physiotherapist

There are a number of reasons why someone may need to visit a physiotherapist. You might be recovering from a sports injury or from a slip and fall injury, a whiplash or even a stroke. Recovery timelines are specific to the injury or ailment, so the number of sessions you may need can differ. 

Initial Assessment 

The initial assessment from your physiotherapist will consist of assessing your injury and coming up with a plan for your recovery. It is important to wear clothes that allow you to move comfortably. The Physiotherapist will ask a series of detailed questions to find out more information about your pain. They may assess the range of motion of the injured joint and the strength of the supporting muscles.


After the initial assessment,treatment of the affected area will be started. Your physiotherapist will explain the treatment plan to you. Soft tissue work and joint mobilizations could be part of the treatment. Education on the nature of your injury, causal factors and possible ways to speed up your healing through home exercises are all  important components of the treatment  plan.

Number of Sessions 

The number of sessions will be different for every patient. There are a number of factors that will determine the length of your treatment

  • Age
  • Severity of injury
  • Type of injury
  • Time the injured joint has been immobilized prior to starting physiotherapy.For example, a broken bone can be in a cast for up to 8 weeks before physiotherapy is started. 
  • Guidelines from surgeon as to how quickly physio treatments can be progressed post surgery

Virtual Appointments 

With the uncertainty of Covid 19. Durham Orthopedic are happy to announce that we are offering virtual appointments. To book your virtual appointment or in person appointment, check out our contact page for more information.