Work from home

Tips for working from home

With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing, many will continue working from home or remotely for the foreseeable future. While this could be the new normal looking forward, what measures can be taken to lessen the stresses associated with working from home?

Exercise Regularly

There are many ways to ensure you still are getting exercise if you are working from home, even if the gyms are closed in your area. It is easy to fall into a trap of falling off the exercise bandwagon but you don’t have to fall into that trap. Setting workout goals is more important now than ever. 

  • Go for a walk or run on your lunch break 
  • Set time aside for your workout, it’s always easier to stay committed if its the same time each day
  • Use your bodyweight (pushups, tricep dips, squats, lunges, planks, sit ups) for your strengthening exercises if you don’t have weights
  • Do an activity you enjoy, like dancing to your favorite music or practice basketball drills.

Not all workouts have to be high intensity, as mentioned above, a brisk walk is a great form of exercise. 

Ergonomic Chairs and Desks

Ensuring you have a proper ergonomic chair and desk is crucial for working from home. Some benefits from having the right home office set up include;

  • Increased comfort 
  • Posture Support
  • Hip support
  • Reduces Neck strain
  • Reduces low back strain

What to look for in an Ergonomic Chair

  • Tilted seat options
  • Headrest Adjustability and Tilt
  • Backrest Adjustability
  • Adjustable armrests
  • Height Adjustability


I’m sure you have heard the term “quarantine 15”  and you might have even noticed that you have put on a couple extra pounds. Working from home has been a drastic shift for most people, but setting your meal and snacks times is a great way to ensure you aren’t adding any extra weight. It can be hard having your fridge right next to your office, by setting your meal times, you can help to deter those snack cravings.  

Also, think healthy….fruit or  vegetables with a hummus dip are great snack options.

Take a Screen Time Break

Taking a break from your devices is important for your eyes as well as your mental health. Constant screen time  can lead to headaches, eye strain and lack of sleep. Make sure you take a break from staring at the blue lights of screens especially before bedtime.

Studies have shown suppressed levels of melatonin associated with the blue light from screens causing difficulty with sleep.

Make Sure You Clock Out

It is easier now more than ever to get caught up in the trap of over working. Some employers may even expect you to be able to log in at a moment’s notice. This can actually be counterproductive to your mental health. Setting a time where you log out daily can save you from burning out or being overworked. 

By using these tips, you should be well on your way to a productive work from home day. 

If you have been injured and need to speak to a physiotherapist. Call the professionals at Durham Orthopedic and Sports Injury Clinic today and start your road to recovery.