Person Stretching on track

The Importance of Daily Stretching

Stretching every day has a wide variety of both physical and mental health benefits. As we get older, we tend to lose mobility if we do not keep up with the stretching. Stretching can also help to burn calories. 10 minutes of stretching can burn 27 calories.   

Physical Benefits of Stretching 

  • Improved Posture 
  • Increased Range of Motion and flexibility in the joints we are stretching
  • Helps relieve post-exercise aches and pains
  • Improved Balance
  • Relief from sore muscles
  • Decreased Risk of Injury
  • Improved Circulation 

Mental Health Benefits of Stretching

Many people know the physical benefits of stretching, but stretching is also great for our mental health. Stretching increases our body’s levels of serotonin, which is the main hormone that impacts our happiness and well being.   

Yoga is a great example of stretching being used for both the body and the mind. Yoga focuses on deep breathing exercises while also improving your overall flexibility.   

Mental benefits of Stretching

  • Ease symptoms of depression by aiding mindfulness which helps break up repetitive negative thoughts
  • Reduce Stress and Anxiety by stimulating receptors in our nervous system that slow down production of stress hormones
  • Clearer Mind
  • Increased Endorphins which interact with receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain

Stretching Routines

Adding a daily stretching routine to your life doesn’t have to be a chore. There are many different types of stretching and routines for a variety of different people. A simple Google search can show you a number of different stretching routines whether you’re a runner, golfer, beginner or justy looking for a simple way to stay more active. 

If you have been injured and are looking to start your road to recovery today. Call the professionals at Durham Orthopedic Sports & Injury Clinic today!