Image of the word rest day

The Importance of Rest Days

Exercise is very important for optimal health, however exercising everyday may not always be ideal. Exercise, like most things in life, is about balance. Taking rest days should be a vital part of any exercise plan. Many people develop overuse injuries and compromise their fitness routine because they do not take enough time to rest between workouts.

The number of rest days each person needs varies,some factors that should be considered are duration of your workouts,age and fitness level.Some people may need more rest then others, but generally, the more intense the workout, the more rest the body needs. Two rest days a week is reasonable..

Benefits of Rest Days

Reduce Risk of Injury

Resting allows your muscles to recover and repair themselves. This is very important to our body’s overall health as the small microscopic tears that occur with our workouts heal during our rest days. Not resting between workouts can be the cause of overuse injuries, stress fractures and tendinopathies. 

Helps Muscles Grow

Resting can actually help your muscles grow. Those microscopic muscle tears that occur with exercise heal with rest and muscles grow back stronger. Studies have shown that three days of rest between strength training exercises can be beneficial for muscle recovery and growth. 

Can Help With Fatigue

Taking a day or two off from your workout regime is a great way to ensure you are not burning yourself out with exercise. When you exercise or workout everyday,  you may not be reaching your full potential. Taking a rest day gives your body and also your mind time to recover and recharge. Your muscles will be recovered and less fatigued and instead of just going through the motions of your workout, you will be much more apt to give your next workout the 100% effort it needs.

How to Spend Your Rest Day

Spend your day doing another activity you love doing.  If you like being outdoors, a rest day is a perfect excuse to get outside and walk, hike or ride a bike.Try a yoga class or go golfing. These are called active rest days. If you are feeling injured it is important to have a full rest day. Spend your time with ice and heat if need be, read a book or cook a healthy meal. Allow the injury to fully heal before resuming your exercise regime.

If you have been injured call the experts at the Durham Orthopedic and Sports Injury Clinic for an assessment to determine the cause of your injury at 905-428-7800.