Pickleball racquet and ball

Why is Pickleball so Popular

Over the last few years, pickleball has been rising in popularity and is one of the fastest-growing sports in Canada.

Pickleball is a cross between tennis, badminton and ping pong and can be played either as singles or doubles, although doubles is typically more popular.

It was invented in Washington and has gained popularity during the pandemic, growing almost 15% between 2020-2021.  More than half of the participants are 55 or older and a third are 65 plus.

There are many benefits to the sport including physical, psychological and social benefits.  

Physical Benefits

Pickleball is an easy sport to learn and is relatively low impact.  It allows you to work on our balance, agility, reflexes and hand-eye coordination.

One study shows that players burned 40% more calories during 30 minutes of playing than during a 30 minute walk, increasing their heart rates to within the moderate-intensity exercise zone.

Another study showed that people between the ages of 40-85 who played an hour of pickleball 3 days a week showed improvements in cholesterol, blood pressure and cardiorespiratory fitness.

Psychological Benefits

Evidence is increasing on the beneficial effects of exercise on mental health, possibly due to the increasing blood circulation to the brain, endorphin release and its effect on reducing stress.  Pickleball is no exception to that rule.  And, as a bonus, if you play outside, sunshine makes us feel good as well!

Social Benefits

Pickleball is a great social outlet.  It allows you to socialize more, combat loneliness and boosts mood.  Pickleball brings people together and fosters the development of new friendships which will benefit your mental health as well.

So how do you get started?  All you need is a paddle and a few balls.  You will soon make many new Pickleballer friends and the health benefits will follow.

If you need treatment for any injury, call the physiotherapists at the Durham Orthopedic & Sports Injury Clinic at 905-428-7800 and start your road to recovery today.