If you are new to Massage Therapy, you may think of its’ relaxing effects after a stress filled day, a shoulder rub when you have a headache, having your feet rubbed after prolonged standing or walking, or seeing athletes receiving a massage from trainers. You may not realize the many other beneficial effects of Massage Therapy.
These include:
1. Reducing musculature pain
2. Improved mobility
3. Aids in recovery after surgery or injury
4. Helps improve sleep
5. Reduces stress and anxiety
6. Helps reduce discomfort and pain associated with everyday occupational stresses.
Massage therapy services are not covered by OHIP, however, many extended health benefit plans cover parts or all of the services provided by an RMT. Massage therapy treatments may also be reimbursed by automobile insurance companies if injuries are due to a motor vehicle accident. In the case of workplace injuries, WSIB will occasionally cover RMT treatments for its clients.
If you are seeking Massage Therapy, call the Durham Orthopedic & Sports Injury Clinic to see one of our knowledgeable professionals at 905-428-7800 to help get you on the road to recovery.